An orange sunset sky above darkly silhouetted mountains with a glistening body of water

Regional Fire & Flow Groups

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This is the place to find your local community fire and flow group and/or club!

Below is our current list of community fire and flow groups and university clubs that cover nearly the whole of New Zealand. Find their current meeting details and get in touch with each group on Facebook.

All days/times for fire and flow jams listed here are subject to weather, fuel, safety etc. Most groups will post if a regular meet is cancelled or postponed, so it pays to check in with your regional group before heading off to a jam!


Northland Circus, Fire & Flow Community

A group for all circus activities, flow and fire spinning meetups and events in Whangārei, Kaipara, and the Far North. Northland Circus, Fire & Flow are an inclusive community and welcome requests for any Northland Circus and/or Flow events to be added to their page info.


Fire Frenzy – Whangārei

Every Friday, 6-8pm at Whangārei BMX Club, Whangārei
$5 koha for fuel, free to watch

Whangārei fire and flow jams are held each week, and everyone is welcome. They have community props available, or you can bring your own. Props and fuel are available to purchase at the weekly jams.


Auckland Fire and Flow

Every Thursday and Sunday, 5pm onwards at various locations - check their page for details
Koha for community fuel, free to watch

A great and inclusive group for Auckland based flowmies, with regular meet ups at various Auckland locations often drawing a crowd! Community props are available for use or bring your own.


Circus Sphere

Every Monday and Wednesday, 7-9pm at St Francis Parish Hall, Pt. Chevalier, Auckland
Donations are welcome

Circus Sphere welcomes everyone into their community space for learning and teaching, skill sharing, and tons of fun. Acrobats, dancers, jugglers, balancers, contortionists, gymnasts, magicians, unicyclists, hoopers – all are welcome.


Hamilton & Waikato Fire and Flow

Any meets or workshops are shared in the group as they emerge

An open group for anyone interested in fire and flow. Talk spinning, share photos and videos, and plan fire nights.


Tauranga Fire and Drums

Any meets or workshops are shared in the group as they emerge

A collaboration of fire and drums, with info, events, sharing, learning, and fun. 


Tauranga Acrobatics and Circus Training

Every Tuesday, 7:30-9:30pm at Impact Gymsport Academy, Mount Maunganui
$10-$20pp, cash on arrival

A safe environment for people wanting to learn and train in acrobatics, juggling and gymnastics, complete with high ceilings, crash mats and bouncy floors.


Tairāwhiti Fire Tribe – Gisborne

Every Tuesday, 6pm til late, message using the Facebook group for jam address and more details

A group for like-minded people from the East Coast who love to spin and play with fire. This Fire Tribe is super friendly and loves having new flowmies join in.

Taupō Fire and Flow

A Taupo based group for fire and flow enthusiasts.


Hawkes Bay Fire and Flow

Every Thursday, 7pm at The Common Room, Hastings
Every Sunday, 6.30pm at Waiohiki Arts Village, Taradale

A place to connect and share with fire spinners, flow artists hobbyists, and the flow curious in Hawkes Bay, at any stage of their journey.


Taranaki Fire & Flow

Check the Facebook group for details about meet ups, especially as we come into summer!

A new group for organising family friendly circus and flow arts jams in New Plymouth and around the mounga. Sometimes organised by Tim & Hannah (Fire & Flow NZ - that's us!!) or other locals. Family friendly, kids and all welcome.


Manawatū Fire & Circus

Every Friday, 7:30-9:30pm at the Activity Centre Gym, Massey Uni
$10 for Massey and Ucol students, $15 for everyone else

A group designed to bring together past and present members of the Massey Fire Club, for sharing and organising events and jams. Please contact group admins if you would like to join.


Wellington Fire And Flow Club

Every Thursday, 6:30-9:30pm at South Wellington Intermediate School Gym, Wellington
Koha for community fuel is encouraged, optional club memberships, free to watch

Wellington Fire and Flow aims to provide a positive space for all flow artists and fire spinners to skill share and build confidence with good vibes and good times. Everyone is welcome!


Fire and Flow Arts Wellington

Every Wednesday, 6:30-8:30pm at Te Whaea, Wellington, plus extra jams shared as they emerge
Koha for use of space

Weekly gatherings for circus, fire, and flow artists to chill, discuss object manipulation, share knowledge, and spin fire.


Wellington Juggling Collective

Most Wednesdays, 6:30-8:30pm at Te Whaea, Wellington
Koha for use of space

An informal juggling group that meets most Wednesdays with the Fire and Flow Arts Wellington group. All are welcome, and they have props available to share.



Golden Bay Fire Club

Check the page for details about meet-ups with fire, flow, and drumming. All are welcome.


Mohua Flow Club - Golden Bay

A weekly casual jam and play where everyone is welcome no matter your ability or prop of choice. 


Nelson Fire Club

A group for fire twirlers and circus folk in Nelson to meet, spin, share, learn, play and chill. Fire spinners are required to bring their own fire props. BYO fuel or koha for community fuel.


Fire and Flow Christchurch

Meets and workshops are shared in the group as they emerge.

A community for all levels of fire and flow artists in Christchurch to connect, organise events, and share all things fire and flow. 


UC Flow Club (University of Canterbury)

Meets and workshops are shared in the group as they emerge.

UC Flow Club is a place for flow and circus arts at University of Canterbury. The focus for the club is on community based teaching, jams and performance, for fun, and to encourage learning new skills. All are welcome, from beginner to experienced. 


Timaru Firebugs

Timaru Firebugs is a homebase for fire and flow artists in the south Canterbury area. Some members like to get involved in performances, others like to just chill and play – all are welcome. 


Wānaka Fire and Flow Community

Weekly fire and flow jams on Wednesday evenings - check the group for details.

An active group aiming to foster and inclusive and welcoming fire and flow community in Wānaka where people can learn, teach, and play.


Queenstown Flow, Fire & Circus

Any meets or workshops are shared in the group as they emerge.

A casual group for those in the Queenstown Lakes district who are keen to spin, share knowledge and have some fun with flow. All are welcome.


Fire and Flow Invercargill

Any meets or workshops are shared in the group as they emerge.

A casual group for those in the Invercargill area who are keen to spin, share knowledge and have some fun with flow. All are welcome.

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