About Us
Kia ora! Welcome to Fire & Flow NZ - your online hub for all things fire and flow, proudly supporting the kiwi flow community.
Our founders are Tim and Hannah - two kiwi locals who have spent the last two years travelling around New Zealand making and selling fire and flow props. You might have seen us in your town with the Original Gypsy Fair under the name of Took Family Circus Supplies, with our big red house bus and our two children Lucas and Esther
Exploring the country has been great, but the absolute best part has been connecting with other Fire and Flow enthusiasts all around Aotearoa, helping people and seeing them learn and fall in love with a new skill or prop. We are excited to expand and continue this work online, bringing quality props, parts and supplies to the kiwi flow community alongside a team of passionate flow artists from all around Aotearoa New Zealand.
Meet The Team

Hannah Rogers
Website + Prop Creation
The heart and brains of the whole operation, Hannah specialises in making complex wick heads and putting together stunning colour combinations for hula hoops, all the while being a great Mum to two vibrant homeschooled kids.
With a 10 year+ background in parkour, Hannah is a huge believer in the benefits and accessibility of movement for all, and is especially passionate about helping other women and kids.
Poi and double staff are her current obsessions - she is excited to continue learning to use new props while helping others discover the joy of flow arts.

Tim Rogers
Graphic Design + Prop Making
Tim has taken the jack-of-all-trades thing and really made it his own. He’s a comic and caricature artist, writer, bus driver-slash-emergency-mechanic, and multi-skilled musician. Running a prop stall for two years meant developing basic competency in every type of prop we sold, and he was up to the challenge armed with a background in parkour, juggling, unicycling and simple magic.
As part of the Fire & Flow NZ team, Tim takes care of graphic and logo design, shares the load of prop construction, parents while Hannah works her magic, and in what spare time he gets he writes comics and designs parkour parks.
Tim's favourite prop cycles randomly between rope dart, dragon, poi, staff, and the rest.

Tracey Barthow
Content Creator + Admin Wiz
In early 2017, attending a festival changed Tracey’s life forever. She’d seen fire spinning before, but this time, something sparked inside her and she knew it was something she needed to get involved with.
As someone who craves variety and knowledge, Tracey couldn’t stop at just one prop. She decided to try her hand at making practice props and as her collection and knowledge grew, so did her drive to share this newfound obsession. And so, Rise and Flow was born: a one-stop-shop of information and props, designed specifically for those new to flow arts and prop manipulation.
Originally from Auckland, now based in Northland, you’ll find Tracey enjoying the quiet life with walks around the farm and creative time in her workshop. Tracey no longer makes day-flow props but is an enthusiast for a good day-flow session, especially with buugeng and rope dart.
Flow arts helped Tracey improve both her physical and mental health over the past few years, and she has a dream of inspiring as many people as possible to pick up a prop and get amongst!

Kelly Blackwell
Social Media Magician
A professional nerd (yes, really!), bellydance teacher, co-leader at Tairawhiti Fire Tribe - Gisborne, and a full-time sewing machinist - Kelly Blackwell is proud to add social media magician here at Fire and Flow NZ to that list too.
As a voracious dancer Kelly has their prop heavy fusion bellydance background of 8 years to thank for adding fire and flow to their life. Their long-term focus is on sharing their passion for safe, supportive, and fun dance practice through fire and flow arts in their home-town of Gisborne - and now online with us.
Though Kelly is a lover of any and all weapon styled props, she’s best known for her tech/flow fusion fire fans.
Jared Torrington
Prop Maker
Joining Fire & Flow NZ in late October, Jared has found his groove in crafting hoops and honing staffs. With an extreme passion for pop culture, Jared finds working with Fire & Flow NZ to be a great creative outlet, finding that he is also getting more in touch with nature and the world around him.
Originally from Wellington, Jared moved to Taranaki and found Fire & Flow NZ through multiple sightings at local markets and fairs, and developed his own interest in flow arts. Loving the crafting side of things, he decided to join the lovely Fire & Flow NZ team as a hoop-smith, staff crafter and all around handy guy.
Working closely with Hannah and Tim, Jared is gaining the knowledge needed to cover all bases at the home office to let Hannah and Tim do festivals this summer and have more time for their family, while still bringing you the same great safe flow experience you have come to know and love.
If you're keen to become part of the Fire & Flow NZ team, we're on the lookout for collaborators! Learn more.
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